This weekend I attended Bring-A-Dish party, and enjoyed various delicious foods prepared by friends. While many of the dishes were mouthwatering, I was especially impressed by the following two. I changed the original recipies somewhat.
Enjoy!Baked Butternut Squash
1 medium-sized butternut squash
1 small can crushed pineapple
½ cup cinnamon apple sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Microwave the squash for 20-25 min, until it becomes soft. Scoop the pulp out when it cools off. Combine with the rest of the ingredients; add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Butter pan and bake for 20 min in 300 F oven.
Summer Raspberry Pie1 package frozen raspberries
1 package raspberry jello
1 small can evaporated milk
3 tbsp sugar
1 Graham pie crust
Fresh berries for decoration
Add 1 cup of boiling water to half package of raspberries. Let simmer for 2 min. Add 1 package of raspberry jello. Combine with the other half-package of frozen raspberries. Meantime, whip evaporated milk with 3 tbsp sugar (or add more sugar to taste). Mix with jello liquid. Pour into the pie crust. Chill in a fridge for 1 hour. Decorate with fresh berries and serve.